I think I have everything up-to-date... because of last minute drops I am just letting in all of the official waitlist. We didn't really get below the 150 limit, so I'm not going to open it up to others who whether by bad luck (if the post office didn't postmark it in time) or not knowing about the ride, didn't get their name on the list by postcard. I am sorry, but there is always next year.

If you see your name on this list - you will be able to get a number and cue sheet. If you are not on the list, sorry but you will not get those from us, and while the roads are public and I can't stop you, I would appreciate not riding along and confusing things at checkpoints.


Name Number ZF LC Finish
Abel, Matthew
Anderson, Bruce
Anderson, Jon
Backman, Daniel
Bahls, Don
Bakker, Carl
Barr, Megan
Bell, David
Bell, Pete
Benton, Joel
Birkemeier, Ryan
Braasch, Grant
Breckon, Royce
Brown, Robert
Bujold, Sean
Callas, Bill
Carlson, Mick
Carlton, Philip
Carroll, Paul
Cary, Neil "O"
Clausen, Ted
Cotter, Shawn
Cox, Ben
Criego, Mike
DeMars, Joseph
Denis, Charles
Dingemans, Max
Doom, Ben
Dosse, Rob
Early, Ken
Eastlund, Alan
Eckert, Seth
Eklund, Lukas
Elson, Brandt
Elson, Samuel
Endres, Chris
Erickson, Thomas
Evanoff, Nick
Everstone, Hurl
Floden, Amy
Flynn, Shaun
Fosler, Bryan
Frane, Jeff
Fry, Jeremy
Funke, Dan
Gaffke, Dustin
Gaz, Dan
Grant, Jennifer
Gruhn, Leah
Hamlin, Joe
Hansen, Boyd
Hartney, Mark
Hau, Tim
Haug, Ryan
Haye, Jeff
Henkemeyer, Jeff
Hippen, Scott
Hoogendam, Ian
Hop, Angie
Hudson-Erdman, Jonah
Hunter, Melissa
Hurd, Wendy
Irving, Craig
Johnson, Eric
Johnson, Joe
Johnson, Matt
Johnson, Wade
Karow, Eddie
Kauth, James
Kelly, Chad
Kelly, Justin
Kern, Jon
Kies, Scott
King, Susannah
Koppi-Kohn, Alex
Kvittem, Brent
LaLonde, Jesse
Landreville, Michael
Langum, Leigh
Larson, Mara
Larson, Patrick
Lee, Mike
Lindberg, Gary
Loosen, Ted
Loye, Jon
Mach, Elizabeth
Mailen, Sean
Meiser, Joe
Meitler, Barry
Messer, Adam
Millner, Chad
Moeding, Andrew
Mohr, Jere
Nederloe, Tryg
Newberg, Carl
Nickles, Ray Ray
Nikodym, Matt
Nygård, Jonas
Olesiak, Linsey
O'Neill, Jeff
Oney, Ben
Parsons, Charles
Pettes, Jeff
Piech, Dawn
Pramann, David
Rambow, Meredith
Rasmussen, Bryce
Raygor, Trenton
Roenfanz, Parker
Sauber, Larry
Schad, Charlie
Schauss, Scott
Schmitt, Barry
Schneider, Jay
Schneider, Joshua
Schotz, Chris
Schuetz, Justin
Schwinghamer, Jack
Seaburg, Mark
Sheedy, Patrick
Shelley, Dirk
Shepherd, Bob
Shoemaker, Darryl
Showalter, Charles
Shupe, Jeff
Smith, Harlan
Sobota, Kyle
Soltis, Steve
Sportel, Amy
Sportel, Ryan
St. Pierre, Sam
Strate, Chelsea
Stuckman, Chris
Stukel, Jason
Swenson, Brett
Tiede, Travis
Urbanski, Paul
Venteicher, Lee
Vick, Jon
Vold, Svetlana
Ward, Denise
Watchmaker, Todd
Webb, Matthew
WeinzierL, Andy
Weisbrod, Heath "Red Squirrel"
Williams, Rob
Wilson, Drew
Yore, Steven
Zylstra, Ken

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