Official Roster for 2018

We talked with some folks at Mississippi National and they were excited about hosting again and encouraged us to open it up to a few more people. I sort of can't believe that I'm doing it, but we're going to expand to 200+ riders so everyone gets in. NOTE... there is no waitlist. BUT!!! Every rider is an expense (which I am fine with) so if you know that you will not be there on the 7th. Let me know ASAP!

Anderson, Jon
Ayala, Daniel
Ayala, Erin
Baker, Brett
Bakker, Carl
Barr, Megan
Baskakov, Alexey
Bell, David
Belz, Rob
Benton, Joel
Berkland, Sam
Birkemeier, Ryan
Black, Joe
Boehnlein, Michael
Braasch, Grant
Brager, Luke
Braun, Henry
Breen, Luke
Brendal, Randy
Brown, Gary
Brown, Robert
Bruns, Micah
Busacker, Brett
Bushendorf, Jeff
Bushinski, Mark
Callas, Bill
Carline, John
Carlson, Derek
Carroll, Paul
Cary, Neil
Casey, Mike
Chose, Rob
Christiansen, Matt
Clausen, Ted
Condon, Cody
Cotter, Shawn
Cox, Benjamin
Curtis, Rick
Davis, Kyle
Deckert, Steven
Delaney, Brian
DeMars, Joe
Denis, Charles
Dingemans, Max
Donovan, Jack
Doom, Ben
Earley, Ken
Eastlund, Alan
Egbers, John
Ehlers, Scott
Eide, Nate
Eklund, Lukas
Emerson-Kramer, Jon
Erickson, Thomas
Evans, Greg
Fandel, Chris
Flynn, Martha
Foster, Todd
Fournier, Maggie
Frane, Jeffrey
Funke, Dan
Gaffke, Dustin
Gamble, Josh
Garrett, Jim
Gauron, Chris
Gibson, Madalyn
Good, Nathan
Green, Robert
Greenwaldt, Tyler
Greimel, Kevin
Groskreutz, Michael
Gruhn, Leah
Haala, Andrew
Hackensack, Gnate
Halfaker, Aaron
Halstrom, Mark
Hathaway, Eric
Haye, Jeff
Helfers, Larry
Hedin, Cory
Henkemeyer, Jeff
Hennig, Kristopher
Hest, Robert
Hey, Ben
Hippen, Scott
Hoch, John
Hoffard, Timothy
Hoogenakker, Kirsten
Hoogendam, Ian
Hoover, Rachael
Houser, Emily
Hudson-Erdman, Jonah William
Hustad, Risa
Ivey, Gregory
Johnson, Aaron
Jorgenson, Amanda
Jungers, Jacob
Karow, Eddie
Kauth, James
Kelly, Chad
Kelly, Justin
Kern, Jon
Kies, Scott
Knox, Dave
Koeneman, Brian
Kremer, Nathan
Krizek, Elliott
Kunshier, Jason AND Bohan, Patricia (Tandem)
Kurke, Matt
Landreville, Michael
Lane, Jon
Larson, Ryan
Lee, Mike
Lemke, Nick
Lewis, Jared
Lewis, Tim
Lindberg, Gary
Loosen, Ted
Loye, Jon
Marshall, Sandy
Marshall, Steve
Maxwell, Shane
McCormick, Michael
McCulloch, Nick
McDaniel, Kent
Mealhouse, Greg
Millner, Chad
Mohr, Jere
Molnar, Josh
Moore, Cameron
Moore, Matt
Morrow, Andrew
Mosiman, Rob
Nickles, Ray
Nickleski, Todd
Nohr, Michael
Nygård, Jonas
O'Laughlin, Matt
Olson, Tina
Olzer, Rachel
O'Neill, Jeff
Parsons, Charles
Petersen, Andrew
Peterson, Paul
Pettes, Jeff
Pletka, Bruce
Pramann, David
Quinn, Nicholas
Rambow, Meredith
Raygor, Trenton
Riley, Matt
Ringold, Tom
Ringuette, Jim
Rinkleff, Franz
Roeser, Josh "Pork Chop"
Rumley, Justin
Rupnow, Jason
Sauber, Lawrence E.
Schad, Charlie
Schneider, Jay
Schuetz, Justin
Schulz, Thad
Shanafelt, Todd
Sheedy, Patrick
Shoemaker, Darryl
Shouse, Corey
Shupe, Jeff
Simon, Brian
Smith, Harlan
Sobota, Kyle
Soltis, Steven
Sportel, Ryan
St. Pierre, Sam
Stephens, Joe
Stinson, Ren
Strachan, David
Strate, Chelsea
Stringfield, Ryan
Stroeing, Scott
Stuckman, Chris
Stunek, Kurt
Sundheim, David
Suurmeyer, Jill
Swenson, Scott
Symons, Chris
Tiede, Travis
Tobias, Sam
Tri, Charly
Van De Velde, Derek
Van Ryswyk, Jeremie
Van Santan, Luke
Ver Steegh, Jonathan
Vold, Sveta
Voltzke, Brandon
Ward-Packard, Ezra
Watchmaker, Todd
Watercott, Mike
Weaver, Ben
Webb, Matt
Weeks, David
Weeks, Isaac
Weinzierl, Andy
Weisbrod, Heath
Welch, Brian
Wentz, Lindsay
Wentz, Nathan
Werst, Kim
Whipple, Danny
Williams, Robert
Wilson, Drew
Wilson, Kurtis
Windschitl, Holly
Winfield, Dee Dee
Wolf, Charles
Woll, Dan
Wood, Luke
Woods, Brian
Woods, Thomas F.
Yore, Steven
Zeigle, Paul
Zettler, Lee
Zylstra, Ken

I'll figure out one or two additional ways to get checked in the day before or something similar to try and make the morning of manageable for us. NOTE: If the extra riders overwhelm, we're reserving the right to pull back. If people aren't on the list and "poach" the course. The same applies. If people are dorks through checkpoints.... the same applies. If people don't come prepared to be responsible for themselves... the same applies... etc. etc.

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