Dranix Esports Wins the Title at ESL Jagoan Series!

Located at the Mall of Indonesia, Kelapa Gading – North Jakarta, the Grand Final of the ESL Jagoan Series – Free Fire Indonesia was held. Followed by the best 12 teams from the qualification results in various regions, Dranix Esports came out as the champion in the tournament.

For those of you who don’t know, Dranix Esports is a team from Surabaya that focuses on Mobile games such as PUBG Mobile, Free Fire, and Mobile Legends. From the Free Fire division, there are several well-known players, namely DRNX Delta, DRNX Bion, DRNX Devil, and DRNX Bay.

Able to Defeat Teams from Garena Summer League


Despite playing outside the official Garena tournament, Dranix Esports was able to beat the teams that played in the Garena Summer League tournament, namely Star8Esports, SFI Zet Alpha, Louvre Indopride, and Bigetron BGL.

The following is a ranking list of the ESL Jagoan Series tournaments:

  1. Dranix Esports with gain 2005 points win prizes 113.6 million and slots to Free Fire Indonesia Master 2019 Grand Final
  2. Bigetron BGL with gain 1490 points win prizes 56.8 million
  3. RRQ FUDO with gain 1435 points win prizes 28.4 million

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