Hurry, Murderous Pursuits Game Free on Steam Only Until Tomorrow!

Games Murderous Pursuits will be free for you to download on Steam special today. Because right on Monday tomorrow, this event will be eliminated and may be sold again at normal prices. Of course the developer’s goal is to do this because, every month the players of this game are starting to decrease.

They finally used a strategy that other developers did, which was to discount and make this game free for 24 hours. Of course, with this event, we will save at least $20 or the equivalent of 300 thousand rupiah. Not bad, moreover this game is highly recommended.

At the beginning of the game, you are required to kill other players. This game is very similar to killing or killing each other between players. Just as you have to observe the behavior of other people. Likewise, you have to keep yourself from being stabbed by other players.

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