Two days prior to its premiere in Japan, the official website for the forthcoming TV anime adaptation of Getter Robo Arc, the final installment of the Getter Robo Saga manga series created by Go Nagai and Ken Ishikawa, has posted its 90-second OP movie featuring the theme song "Bloodlines ~Unmei no Kettou (The Fatal Bloodline)~" sung by JAM Project.
"Bloodlines ~Unmei no Kettou~" is JAM Project's first anime theme song work in two years. It is written/composed by the unit's leader, Hironobu Kageyama himself. As their 71st single, it is set to be released from Lantis on July 14, 2021.
The TV anime Getter Robo Arc is set to premiere on AT-X and TOKYO MX in Japan on July 4, 2021. Jun Kawagoe, who has worked on the Getter Robo anime series since 1998, including Change!! Getter Robo: The Last Day of the World (1998 / episode 4-13), Shin Getter Robo vs Neo Getter Robo (2000), and New Getter Robo (2004), is once again attached to direct.
"Getter Robo Arc" OP movie:
"Bloodlines ~Unmei no Kettou~" TV-spot:
JAM Project artist photo:
CD jacket:
"Getter Robo Arc" 3rd PV:
3rd key visual:
Source: "Getter Robo Arc" official website
©Go Nagai, Ken Ishikawa/Dynamic Production, Shinsaotome Laboratory
Copyright 2016 JAM Project, Lantis all rights reserved.
from Latest in Anime News by Crunchyroll!
Two days prior to its premiere in Japan, the official website for the forthcoming TV anime adaptation of Getter Robo Arc, the final installment of the Getter Robo Saga manga series created by Go Nagai and Ken Ishikawa, has posted its 90-second OP movie featuring the theme song "Bloodlines ~Unmei no Kettou (The Fatal Bloodline)~" sung by JAM Project.
"Bloodlines ~Unmei no Kettou~" is JAM Project's first anime theme song work in two years. It is written/composed by the unit's leader, Hironobu Kageyama himself. As their 71st single, it is set to be released from Lantis on July 14, 2021.
The TV anime Getter Robo Arc is set to premiere on AT-X and TOKYO MX in Japan on July 4, 2021. Jun Kawagoe, who has worked on the Getter Robo anime series since 1998, including Change!! Getter Robo: The Last Day of the World (1998 / episode 4-13), Shin Getter Robo vs Neo Getter Robo (2000), and New Getter Robo (2004), is once again attached to direct.
"Getter Robo Arc" OP movie:
"Bloodlines ~Unmei no Kettou~" TV-spot:
JAM Project artist photo:
CD jacket:
"Getter Robo Arc" 3rd PV:
3rd key visual:
Source: "Getter Robo Arc" official website
©Go Nagai, Ken Ishikawa/Dynamic Production, Shinsaotome Laboratory
Copyright 2016 JAM Project, Lantis all rights reserved.
Mikikazu Komatsu July 02, 2021 at 09:55AM
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