Many of the End Users of PA-17 (SMR) TOOL reported that the GL CODES file for generating the report is missing in the installation folder. The text file "GL CODES.txt" is now made available for download from same location of the installers and the link for download is given below:
Before using the text file please do the following:
Open the "GL CODES.txt" file.
Type the GL CODES for DRAWN BANK & REMITTED BANK of the respective Office one by one in separate lines. Don't leave any blank lines in between.
Save & close the file.e
"PA-17 DATA" excel file & "PA-17 INFO-DOC" pdf file are also available for download in this location.
"PA-17 DATA" excel file is used for storing raw & generated data.
The process of generating PA-17 reports is clearly explained in the "PA-17 INFO-DOC" pdf file.
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