2 New Operators Ready to Release, Rainbow Six Siege: Operation Chimera

An official Rainbow Six Siege blog post has featured the figures of 2 new operators that will be released in the near future in the third year update of season 1 called Operation Chimera.

It is not known for certain who will be the defender or attacker, but judging by the gadgets of the two, it looks like they will be the attacker.


Rainbow Six Siege Chimera Finka

Gadget : Health Boosting Nanobots

Speed ​​: 2/3

Armor: 2/3

This operator comes from Russia (like the Spetnaz operator), but the main weapon used is different from other Spetnaz operators, Finka uses a Spear 308 weapon, which is a prototype rifle. However, the optional weapons are the same as the Spetnaz, namely using the 6P41 or SASG-12.

The gadget that Finka uses serves to increase the team’s blood area, and stabilize the weapon when shooting (Steady Aim).


Rainbow Six Siege Chimera Lion

Gadget : EE-One-D Drone

Speed ​​: 2/3

Armor: 2/3

Unlike his colleague Finka, Lion comes from France. Armed with a V308 Carbine with other options, namely Vector SMG (Like the Mira weapon), and the optional SG-CQB Shotgun, of course this operator is terrible both from close range and long distance (if you get ACOG). The gadget used is used to detect movement around the drone. Of course, this drone is very useful for detecting the movements of the Defender Roamers. It is not known exactly how this operator’s gadget works.

The two operators will join the Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) Unit.


The full-release schedule for the introduction of this update is scheduled for February 18, 2018 to coincide with the start of the 2018 Invitational Six. So, it is likely that February 20, 2018 will be released on Test Sever for the next 2 weeks. Possibly on March 6 2018, the update will be fully released to players who have Year 3 Pass. But don’t be sad, because players who don’t have the Year 3 Pass can still buy it a week after the update is released.

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